Install a Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE license
XMLBlueprint is built upon Saxon-HE, the free open source XSLT processor from Saxonica Limited. Saxonica also offers commercial editions (Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE) with more functionality. For more information, see the
Saxon 12 product comparison (Feature Matrix). In general, Saxon-HE is good enough for most XMLBlueprint users, they don't need to buy a Saxon license.
If you do want to work with Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE, you can order a free license for a 30-day evaluation, or purchase an unrestricted license from the
Saxonica web site. The license will arrive in the form of a file named
saxon-license.lic attached to an email message.
To install the licenes, copy saxon-license.lic to:
C:\Program Files\XMLBlueprint 21\Licenses\
If the license key is not properly installed you may get the following error message when working with XSLT 3.0 and XPath 3.1:
License file saxon-license.lic not found. Tried in file:/C:/Program%20Files/XMLBlueprint%2021/JavaLib/SaxonEE12-XJ/saxon-license.lic, and classpath.