XMLBlueprint messages:
XMLBP001 - Stylesheet module ??? is included or imported more than once. This is permitted, but may lead to errors or unexpected behavior.
XMLBP002 - Unrecognized version ???: treated as 1.0.
XMLBP003 - Unrecognized version ???: treated as 2.0.
XMLBP004 - ??? (The system cannot find the file specified).
XMLBP005 - Cannot validate: there is no DTD, Relax NC Schema, Relax NG Schema, Schematron or XSD associated with this document. Select Schema>Associate...
XMLBP006 - A valid Saxon-EE license for schema validation is required but was not found: Buy a Saxon-EE license for schema validation or use Xerces or MSXML. [Saxon EE]
XMLBP006 - A valid Saxon-EE license for XSLT transformation is required but was not found: Buy a Saxon-EE license for XSLT transformation or use Saxon-HE. [Saxon EE]
XMLBP006 - A valid Saxon-PE license for XSLT transformation is required but was not found: Buy a Saxon-PE license for XSLT transformation or use Saxon-HE. [Saxon PE]
XMLBP006 - Requested feature ??? requires Saxon-PE. [Saxon HE]
XMLBP007 - Unsupported encoding: ???.
XMLBP007 - Unsupported encoding.
XMLBP008 - Internal error.
XMLBP009 - Expecting no namespace, but the schema document has a target namespace of ''???''.
XMLBP010 - Expecting namespace ''???'', but the schema document has no target namespace.
XMLBP011 - Expecting namespace ''???'', but the target namespace of the schema document is ''???''.
XMLBP012 - A valid license was found (???), but does not support the requested feature (schema processing).
XMLBP012 - License file saxon-license.lic not found. Tried in file:/C:/Program%20Files/XMLBlueprint%2017/JavaLib/SaxonEE12-1J/saxon-license.lic, and classpath.
XMLBP012 - The license file (serial number ???) does not cover upgrade to this Saxon version.
XMLBP013 - The attribute value for "???" is invalid.
XMLBP014 - The system identifier is invalid.
XMLBP015 - The URL is not valid (???).
Xerces messages:
Internal-Error - Internal error: ???.